Wednesday 17 November 2010

Main Task - Music Magazine Planning

Music Magazine Front Cover

You will need to complete all of the following tasks by Monday 29th November 2010:
  1. Evaluate the results for your music magazine questionnaire.
  2. Create a MUSIC FAN PROFILE for the type of person who might read your music magazine.
  3. Write a MISSION STATEMENT which outlines the style and content of your magazine. Use the Frank example as a template.
  4. Create a reader READER PROFILE for your magazine. You should use the NME or Uncut reader profils as a template and remember to include images as well as facts and figures.
  5. Take a photograph of a person or a group of people who represent your target audience.
All of the above information should be posted on your blog by Monday 29th November 2010.

You are advised to complete the tasks as soon as possible so that you can start planning and constructing the front page of your music magazine.

Remember to book the computer room and digital camera!

The deadline for the front cover of your music magazine is Friday 17th December 2010.