Friday 22 October 2010

Preliminary Task Evaluation

AS Preliminary Task

School Magazine Front Cover

Analysis and Evaluation

Use the following guidelines in order to evaluate the front page of a school magazine that you produced for the AS Preliminary Production task.

You should identify aspects of your work that are conventional, together with any aspects of your layout and design which challenge conventions where possible.


·       Is the name of the magazine appropriate?
·       What are the connotations of the masthead?
·       Is the colour scheme of the masthead appropriate?
·       Is the Masthead a sufficient size?


·       Is there a main image?
·       Is the main image an appropriate size?
·       Does the main image give a clear indication of the story that it is representing?
·       Comment on the composition of the main image.
·       Are there any subsidiary images? (There should be at least 2).
·       Are the subsidiary images an appropriate size?
·       Have the subsidiary images been placed in an appropriate position on the page?
·       Do the subsidiary images give a clear indication of the story that they are representing?

·       Have strap lines and sell lines been used on the cover? (Should be at least 3).
·       Do the strap or sell lines give a clear indication about the contents of the magazine?
·       Is the language informative and entertaining?
·       Have any literary devices been used? E.g. puns, alliteration, etc.
·       Is all of the spelling and punctuation accurate?
·       Have different fonts been used? (At least 2)
·       Is the font size clear and appropriate?
·       Has a consistent and appropriate colour scheme been used for the sell lines or strap lines?

Layout and Design

·       Is the layout of the front page clear and well organised?
·       Is the front page appealing to the reader?
·       Is the design of your page recognisable as the front cover of a school magazine?


·       Identify three aspects of your front page which you think are successful.

Targets for Improvement

·       Identify three aspects of your front page which you think can be improved when you produce your front cover of an imaginary music magazine.